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Treatment Methods of Periodontal Disease

The most common treatment methods of periodontal disease that is caused by a local dental infection are either non-surgical or surgical procedures. The non-surgical procedure utilizes either scaling and root-planning, sometimes referred to as a "deep cleaning," and anti-biotic therapy. Less root-planning is done today due to the efficiency of the instrumentation and the various methods of detoxifying the roots of the teeth. This has resulted in less post-treatment sensitivity.

The "deep cleaning" procedure in our office is performed in one appointment utilizing a sedation method and local anesthetics. Recent studies have found that when this procedure is performed in one appointment by a skilled periodontist, the patient heals better, there is better bone repair, and less need for surgical procedures to repair remaining damage to the gum tissue. -- Vandekerchove, et al, Journal of Periodontology, Vol. 67, Number 12.

The surgical method of treating periodontal disease has been for a long time an aggressive method of cutting away gum tissue around the teeth, cutting away additional bone, attempting to graft back bone, placing a "dressing" around the teeth, resulting in teeth that are more exposed and aesthetically compromised. These prior procedures were promoted by archaic and non-scientific theories of periodontal infections. With advances in laser research and methods of identifying bacterial penetration into the soft tissues surrounding teeth, more conservative methods have been designed to address the infection without significantly altering the appearance of the patient's original architecture.

You may ask Dr. Paris specific questions about any methods or concerns you have for your periodontal treatment during your consultation.

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